by ferry是什么意思

by ferry是什么意思 ferry用英文解释是什么意思?



1、作专有名词。渡船渡轮 A ferry is a boat that transports passengers and sometimes also vehicles, usually across rivers or short stretches of sea.例句:They had recrossed the River Gambia by ferry.她们乘渡船再度穿过冈比亚河。2、作形容词。(一般特定时来回两个地方间)运输,渡运,渡船 If a vehicle ferries people or goods, it transports them, usually by means of regular journeys between the same two places.例句:Every day, a plane arrives to ferry guests to and from Bird Island Lodge...每日,都是有多架来鸟岛宾馆专车接送顾客。



1.It#39s only two hours away by ferry, isn#39t it?坐轮渡只需两个小时,是不是?

2.Perhaps we won#39t travel by ferry any longer.也许我们不会再乘渡船了。

3.You can get to the island by ferry, or you can fly there.你能乘渡轮到那个海岛去,还可以坐飞机去。

4.He returned to Jordan on29 March, following two days of travel by ferry boat.她在搭乘渡船旅游二天以后于3月29日回到约旦。