
argue的形容词 argue的形容词是什么?



argue的形容词可以是 arguable

argue作动词释义之一 to give reasons why you think that sth is right/ wrong, true/not true, etc., especially to persuade people that you are right. 论证; 说理;争辩

例句 They argued for the right to strike. 他们据理力争罢工权利。

arguable 作形容词释义 that you can give good reasons for 可论证的

例句 It is arguable that giving too much detail may actually be confusing. 过分详细反而使人糊涂的说法是有道理的。


!argue的形容词是arguable,adj. 无把握的,有疑问的;可论证的,有论据的

It is arguable whether he ever had much control over the real economic power.仍无法确定他是否曾经较强地控制过真正的经济力量。

It is arguable that the majority of university students fall into this category.


,argue的动词是argue 形容词是argumentative和名词是argument,argumentative中文意思是adj. 好争辩的,好争吵的;系统化推理的,按部就班地论证的;争辩的,辩论的

He was polite, less argumentative, more thoughtful, and much happier.他变得彬彬有礼,少了些争辩,多了些体贴周到,也变得更快乐了。