
一切都很顺利英文 “一切顺利”用英语怎么说?



一切顺利的英文:all the best 相似短语:

1、with the best 跟任何人一样好

2、for the best 出于好意

3、try my best 尽最大努力 best 读法 英 [best] 美 [best] 示例: Wish him all the best, and tell him we miss him. 祝他一切顺利,告诉他我们想念他。

all in all的高级表达?

all in all的高级表达

all in all 意为“总的来说(一句话)总之”,=in one word/in the end, 常用于一个句子或者一段文章的的句首,用来对所发表的意见作总结。

eg: All in all, I like the pink dress. 总之一句话,我就是喜欢那件粉色的裙子。

All in all, everything was okay. 总得来说,一切都很顺利。

all in all的高级表达?

all in all总之的意思,它的高级表达有以下词:

in a word(简而言之)

in summary (总之)

all in all(总而言之)

in conclusion(最后)

to sum up(概括地说)

as a result(因此,结果)

as a consequence(因此,结果

in brief 总之。

general speaking

in short

例如, In brief, he did a good job. 简而言之,他做得好!

all in all的高级表达?

all in all 意为“总的来说(一句话)总之”,=in one word/in the end, 常用于一个句子或者一段文章的的句首,用来对所发表的意见作总结。

eg: All in all, I like the pink dress. 总之一句话,我就是喜欢那件粉色的裙子。

All in all, everything was okay. 总得来说,一切都很顺利。