
再见的二十种英语表达多种 再见英语有几种说法?



说再见英语有:bye、good bye、good-bye、see you、see you again/later/soon、So long、take care、I have to go、Cheerio。



1. Good day 祝你一天快乐

2. Bye bye 再见

3. So long 再见

4. Cheerio 加油

5. Be seeing you 再见

6. Toodledoo 再见

7. Ciao 再见

8. Cheers 欢呼,喝彩

9. Take care 保重

10. Catch you later 待会儿见

11. Farewell 再见

12. Have a nice day 祝你一天快乐

13. All the best 祝一切都好

14. Ta ta for now 再见

15. See you later alligator! 再见

16. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do! 乖乖哦!

17. Have fun 玩的开心

18. Good luck 祝你好运

19. Take it easy 放松点吧

20. Talk to you later 待会儿见


1、Good bye再见例句:Aloha means both hello and good bye. 阿罗哈的意思是你好,再见。2、Bye bye 再见 例句:Good, and once again, many thanks. bye bye. 好了,再次表示感谢。再见。再见例句:Time passed so fast,it's time to say byebye to you.时光飞逝,是时候说再见了。再见 例句:Bye-bye. I'll be seeing you at the reception.在招待会上再见。5、Ciao 再见 例句:Football, is for specialists like us, ciao.足球是专门为我们这样的专家准备的。再见。6、Catch you later 待会儿见 例句:Catch you later, buddy! 再见,兄弟!